Hyla Stories

Alumni Travel: Global Leadership Summit

2018 Global Leadership Summit FB

2018 Global Leadership Summit

with Hyla Teacher Jeff Steele and Education First


Dear Hyla Alumni Parents, 

I invite your Hyla grads and their friends to travel with me on a delegation to London, Paris, and Berlin to attend the 2018 Education First Global Leadership Summit from July 5-16, 2018. The theme for this year’s conference is “The Influence of Technology on Society.”

In addition to teaching at Hyla, I am a certified trip leader with Education First, an international education company that offers study abroad, language learning, cultural exchange and academic programs around the world since 1965. I believe strongly that academic travel provides the “world” as a classroom to our students, and through those unique experiences the past comes alive in a manner that cannot be duplicated in a traditional classroom setting. For young scholars to experience the global classroom first-hand through academic travel provides them a new perspective of themselves and the world beyond our country’s borders. As our world continues to become increasingly interconnected on a global scale, it is critical for our students to grow into globally minded citizens and future leaders. I am very excited to bring this opportunity to Hyla alumni.

About the Trip
Student leaders who join me on this trip will represent Bainbridge Island and travel to three European cities to explore the meaning of global citizenship in our evolving technological landscape and consider the influence of technology on our past, present, and future. After exploring historic landmarks in London and Paris, we will make our way to Berlin for a two-day leadership conference focused with teachers and students from around the world. Students will hear from world-renowned speakers, attend expert-led workshops, and develop and present innovative solutions to technological challenges around the world.  

Students who participate will grow their social skills, connect to their studies outside of the classroom, and take part in an experience that will set them apart when applying to college and their future careers. Students will also partake in an independent research project to help them explore the theme on a local and global level. With high school and college credit available plus resources for college applications, this opportunity is sure to help all participants stand out on their college applications! 

Informational Meeting 

Wednesday, October 11th
7 pm
Hyla Library

Potential student leaders and parents are invited to attend the information meeting to learn more about our itinerary, goals, cost, and general information. Because the leadership conference may soon sell out, we have reserved a block of 15 seats, which are available on a first come first serve basis. Applications will be handed out at the informational meeting.

Please RSVP

If you plan to attend this meeting, please RSVP to me by October 9th. Although this is not a Hyla event, please use my Hyla email address: jeffs@hylamiddleschool.org. Please contact me if you are unable to attend the meeting, but are interested in the trip.

Warm regards,
Jeff Steele