Hyla Stories

6th Grade Performs Shakespeare


2015-01-07_11-52-27They did it! The 6th grade class has completed one of the signature Hyla experiences: performing a full Shakespeare play. A culminating experience, like a performance, allows students to demonstrate their developing skills, and therefore to feel a great sense of success. Sitting in the audience, we too can feel their pride when we watch them on stage transformed into their characters.


sword fightInterpreting a classical dramatic text and then creating a unique character to express physically and vocally is a tremendous personal challenge for students. These photos capture quiet moments of the difficult work that prepares students for performances, like working through character nuance in a shared role, or reading in a tree, and practicing a sword fight (without smiles).


After weeks of challenge, the performance is also an opportunity for students to feel the support of peers, parents and teachers working together. This performance is a true collaboration, among students and within our community. Bravo to all and thank you for being a part of this wonderful Hyla tradition.