Hyla Stories

Community Connection: Inter-generational Relationship Building


As the 7th graders took their seats in the Madison House common area, more and more curious residents trickled in to investigate. This was the first of what will become many visits to the senior living center from the Hyla 7th graders, and there was an air of mutual curiosity and respect as elders and students alike joined each other at the small round tables. This coming together was facilitated by a partnership between Kim’s Global Education class and Silver Kite, an award-winning nonprofit which specializes in inter-generational programs that foster relationships between youth and elders in our community. 

Throughout the year, each section of 7th grade will visit Madison House once a month to participate in activities and discussion centered around the theme of Social Justice, which is also a core value in Kim’s class. These visits are a chance to practice inclusivity, connection, listening, and dialogue. To kick things off, a Silver Kite representative led a guided discussion on what Social Justice is, and how each person had seen it in their lifetime.

Although the topic may seem daunting at first, the students tackled it with ease, and the room was soon full of chatter as the elders, with some encouragement from the students, began to participate more. Responses varied from discussion of the Kindness Boomerang (help and be helped) and the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like to be treated), to reminding each other that “there is a difference between having a bias, and letting that bias affect or shape your behavior.” 

Future visits will cover how the arts play a role in social activism as well as specific social justice issues.