All Hyla students are invited to join sports, and all interested students are accepted. Inclusive sportspersonship is an important part of Hyla school culture and many traditions throughout the year invite students to join in and try something new. At this age, sports are not only a great physical experience, but also important social time for students to practice what they learn in Human Relations. In addition to PE, we currently offer:

Year Round
Every elective cycle include several sports-based and physical options, allowing students to try something new, burn off energy, focus on a favorite skill, and have fun. You can click here to read more about Electives, and some of the athletic offerings include:
- Rock Climbing
- Hiking
- Mountain Biking
- Yoga
- Zumba

Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is for everyone - truly. It’s inclusive, fun, and relies heavily on self-awareness, internal mediation, and advocacy - hence it's a natural fit for Hyla, which explains why it has been a beloved school tradition for many years. Every year we welcome students who have never played before as well as seasoned athletes looking to hone their technique.
We welcome ALL local students in grades 5-8 to join in!
Information about the Spring 25 Season:
- Practice:
- Feb 25 - April 24: T & Th, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Practice: Skills, drills & scrimmage
- April 26 - 27: Spring Reign Tournament, Burlington, WA. This invitation tournament is the largest mixed youth ultimate tournament in the world, with age divisions for middle school (grades 6-8) and high school (grades 9-12) teams.
- Practice Location: Hyla field, middle school campus
- Coaches: Hyla teachers David Maron, Trey Field-Bennett, and Gene Smith
- Cost: $150 - Includes t-shirt, practice & tournament. Financial assistance available: We want you to join! Email us for help with cost.
- Gear: Water bottle, soccer or lacrosse cleats, comfortable clothes for all weather, rain jacket.
- Register: Email Coach David by February 14 ( If you see this after February 14, send us an email and we’d love to fit you in.
- Waiver Form: Parents, please complete this Ultimate Frisbee Waiver Form and send it to David.

Disc Golf
Fall practice, Several Tournaments
Our PE teacher Cooper Rooks first introduced this sport, a cousin to Ultimate Frisbee. He also built a disc golf course that wraps around our 13 acre campus and takes you through the woods, around the back field, and back up between buildings. Everyone is welcome to join in, whether during after school practice or at several tournaments throughout the year.
We typically host a fall and spring tournament. We'll post information about the Spring tournament here when the date is finalized.