Community Service
Throughout Hyla's program, students engage with others in a spirit of service. This spirit begins locally at Hyla on both campuses where students are asked to contribute to our school community in ways that make respect for themselves and others possible at all times.
Click here for a look at Community Service projects from the 2023-2024 school year. Service projects from the past include:

In collaboration with T2P2, a Seattle-based menstrual product donation collective T2P2, Hyla hosted a supply drive and packing party. Students initiated a drive at Safeway to widen awareness beyond the Hyla community and then parents and students gathered to create “period packs” from the donated supplies.

Upper school students participate in citizen science and support current conservation efforts by contributing data to existing research projects - such as gathering conch specimens in the Bahamas to help calculate adult population numbers for scientists working on Eleuthera Island, or helping local marine biologists with Blue Dot by raking and counting clams to support their research focused on how seaweed cultivation enhances ocean health.

In middle school Global Ed class, students learn about communities around the world through the structures and systems that connect us all as humans on a shared planet. Through a lens of shared humanity, students learn about the differences that develop among humans based on their experience with climate, education, religion, health care, war, etc.

Individual Hyla students initiate community projects like a school-wide challenge to join the “Climate Smart Bainbridge” program offered through the City of Bainbridge Island that helps families choose goals and make daily decisions that create a more sustainable household.

Our upper school “Green Technologies” class participated in the shoreline working group at the BI Environmental Conference in March of 2023.

Middle school students initiate fundraisers, like bake sales, to raise money for relief efforts in response to natural disasters and other global tragedies. Dances are also an opportunity to support others and students gather food for Helpline House.