Hyla Stories

Disc golf at Hyla: playing on the foundation of P.E. and Human Relations

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What’s great about disc golf? Just ask students! They’ll tell you:

  • Everybody is super chill.
  • While it’s a physical sport, there’s a lot of deliberation and strategy, and you can always get better at it.
  • I do it because it’s fun.

Dozens of Hyla students from all grades gather twice a week on the upper field to play disc golf. Similar to Ultimate Frisbee, it’s an inclusive sport in several ways. First, it’s free to play at local public parks throughout Kitsap County, including Battle Point Park, making for a great family activity. It’s also a safe and socially distanced way to get fresh air, enjoy time outside, and socialize, allowing Hyla students to connect and build relationships across grades and sections.

It’s also an open sport that welcomes participation. Hyla students are encouraged to jump in at whatever level and speed feels right and they’ll tell you that there is a lot of variety in disc golf: sometimes it “can totally be competitive” or it can be “walking and talking with friends while throwing a disc”. From Cooper’s perspective, everything about disc golf, from running to teamwork, is a natural extension of the athletic and social/emotional skills he strengthens with students in PE and Human Relations during the school day.