Hyla Stories
Plant Prints

The native plant study in 7th grade connects two disciplines: while students focus on plant biology in science class with Cami, they also create visual representations of their plants in art class with Laura. After arranging plant specimens as they wished to draw them, students created a pencil sketch of their plants. Being able to draw is about being able to see, and the skill of keen observation is equally important for artists and scientists alike. Laura teaches drawing as a fundamental skill because it is a profound communication tool that students will use all throughout their time at Hyla, and beyond, in many classes besides art. The ability to draw allows students to visually represent a concept. For most art projects, students begin with a drawing so they can share their plans, intentions and the meaning of their work.
This year students also transferred their sketches to transfer plates and then made a variety of prints, experimenting with color on a black background, black on a colorful background, a painterly print and a print on fabric.