Hyla Stories

Quote Wall


unnamed-2Have you seen the wall in Kim’s room where students write inspiring quotes? The wall is partly about space, because at this age it’s important for students to influence their environment. It’s also about taking responsibility and ownership of that environment, which transcends into responsibility for learning. The wall connects students to the subjects and themes we cover in English class because many of the quotes recognize and celebrate famous literary artists, political figures, humanitarians, social activists, and celebrities. The wall helps students understand the words themselves, but also something about the person who says them by appreciating the experiences behind the words, whether provoked by racial injustice, gender bias, mental illness, etc. The wall also connects students to each other because some quotes highlight fellow classmates by offering inspirational words. 

The wall is important to 8th graders, and also to anyone who comes in the room. It’s provocative and represents personal experiences, history, and life that we all connect to. Younger students love reading the wall and already start to plan what they will write when it’s their turn. In this way the wall is a right of passage for each grade. 

Stop by anytime and be inspired.