Hyla Stories

Science Room Makeover


robot 2Starting in the Spring of 2014, the science room has received some exciting upgrades:

New technologies:

  • Robot kits for computer programming and robotics in 6th grade and electives.
  • iPad minis for science (to receive data from probes) and math class (graphing calculators).
  • Digital probes to transmit data wirelessly (like temperature and motion) during labs in all grades.
  • Several new solar car kits so kids can work in pairs rather than groups.
  • Color printer and copier in the science room for distributing data and sharing student-generated work more quickly and easily (the printer is also shared with art, Spanish and history).

New equipment:

  • 2 new cordless microscopes with mechanical stage plates. With this addition, we now have a full set of microscopes for 6th and 7th grades so that each student can use his/her own. Because they are cordless, we can also take them outside on fieldtrips! We also serviced our existing microscopes and purchased more deep well plates for better viewing of live organisms.
  • An entire new set of science glassware for science labs.

Improved facility:

  • A portable fume hood for chemistry and any other fume-creating labs.
  • Installation of a second sink so kids can get to and from water sources more efficiently.
  • New cabinets to house the microscopes and other important equipment to create a more organized learning space. (Thank you to our friends at Buy Nothing Bainbridge).
  • Upgraded electrical outlets to make microscope labs run more safely and efficiently (to be complete in the fall of 2014).