
Chris Soldevilla
Drama is the development of self-expression. Performance is a vehicle for self-expression. Together these intertwined disciplines open pathways to effective communication.

Throughout the year we will be building individual and group skills including:

Concentration         Storytelling                         Improvisation

Movement              Character analysis               Theatrical styles and history

Vocal technique       Interpretation of text           Physical expression

Critical analysis       Scene study                        Research as a presentation tool

6th grade focuses on development of an ensemble, interpretation of text, and freedom of vocal and physical expression. We will achieve these goals with theater games and exercises which build a foundation of collaborative creative work at the beginning of the year. Integrating drama with humanities, we will explore Shakespeare’s magnificent language, the history of Elizabethan theatre, and mount a full performance of one of his great comedies.

7th grade focuses on freeing physical expression, strengthening vocal skills, and collaboratively creating a spontaneous evening of improvisation.  This process affords us the opportunity to expand on the strong ensemble work of last year. Students have an opportunity to share their class work with parents and friends during an evening of improvisation.

8th Grade focuses on all aspects of dramatic expression from script writing to acting on camera to the technical side of cinematography, sound, and editing. Students will work in teams collaborating on a film short from start to finish and, while those are being edited, also get to create and edit their own commercials, using the skills they learned throughout the course.